
ESG Data

Here are Linical's E (environmental), S (social), and G (governance) data.

ESG Data Focus

1. Environment

Recognizing that social and environmental problems caused by climate change are urgent issues, we collect and analyze the required data in accordance with the way of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The current situation is as follows.



At the company, the Sustainability Committee formulates and monitors strategies on climate change and reports the details to the Board of Directors and the Management Committee.



All of the CO2 that the group, which is in a service industry, emits originates from electricity, which is used in the leased offices where the company is based. In light of this situation, we work on energy-saving activities at each office and will consider whether or not it is possible to switch to electricity derived from renewable energy at each building we are in.

In addition, based on the above situation, we have evaluated that the impact on business of the transition risks related to climate change is not large at the company, but we have recognized the following as the major physical risks and opportunities. We have already formulated a BCP for the following physical risks, and will implement reviews and training continuously.

Physical risks Opportunities
Decline in the level of operations at business bases due to a sudden disaster Increase in customers’ (pharmaceutical companies) development of new drugs for new diseases
Spread of disease

Risk management

Risk management

The integration of climate change risks into the company-wide risk management system is scheduled for completion by the report for next fiscal year.

Indicators and targets

Indicators and targets

We will continue to consider climate change indicators and targets in the future. Our actual GHG emissions are as follows.

GHG emissions (t-CO2) 2022 2021 2020
Scope1 0 0 0
Scope 2 consolidated 384.2 396.7 415.7
Scope 2 non-consolidated(Japan Only)

326.1 341.7 364.8

* The company has no emissions fall under Scope 1. The company’s Scope 2 emissions are due to the use of power purchased from external providers. These were calculated using market standards.

2. Social

For the company, which provides services globally as a pharmaceutical development professional, our employees are the source of value creation. In order to expand business globally and increase corporate value sustainably in the rapidly changing healthcare industry, it is important that employees with diverse experience can demonstrate their abilities and characteristics to the maximum and continue to succeed.

To that end, we will develop a workforce who can make rapid progress as professionals in an era of change, and we will provide opportunities that enable each and every employee to demonstrate their abilities and characteristics to the maximum and pursue their own wellbeing.

Moreover, we will promote the development of the next generation of executives who can realize sustainable growth as a global company.

The Diversity of Core Employees:

a. Women

a. Women

【Headquarters (Japan)】

  End of Mar 2023 End of Mar 2022 End of Mar 2021
Ratio of Female Employees 62.9% 61.6% 44.4%
Ratio of Female Managers 44.2% 42.6% 19.4%
Ratio of Female Executive Officers 16.7% 16.7% 16.7%

【Consolidated (Group)】

  End of Mar 2023 End of Mar 2022 End of Mar 2021
Ratio of Female Employees 68.4% 67.5% 58.6%
Ratio of Female Managers 59.7% 56.9% 36.5%
Ratio of Female Executive Officers 31.8% 28.6% 25.0%

b. Foreign Nationals

b. Foreign Nationals

Approximately 50% of the group’s 759 employees (as of March 31, 2023) are locally hired employees residing overseas, and most of the key positions in the overseas group companies are occupied by highly qualified local human resources. In addition, our company is promoting the hiring of human resources regardless of nationality at our headquarters in Japan. As of the end of March 2023, the ratio of foreign nationals to all employees at the Japanese headquarters was 3.6%. In addition, the ratio of foreign employees in managerial positions was 1.1%.

c. Mid-career Hires

c. Mid-career Hires

As of the end of March 2023, the ratio of mid-career hires to all employees at the Japanese headquarters was 42.3%. The ratio of mid-career hires for executive officers is 100%, and the ratio of mid-career hires for managers is 71.6%. As of the end of March 2023, the ratio of mid-career hires to all employees in the entire group was 66.8%. The ratio of mid-career hires for executive officers was 100%, and the ratio of mid-career hires for managers was 81.8%.

3. Governance

Number of Board Members

  End of Jun 2023 End of Mar 2023
Male 9 8
Female 3 1


Learn more about Linical’s Sustainability Initiatives

Our Focus

Linical has identified sustainability issues most relevant to our business and stakeholders. By continuously addressing the material issues, we aim to achieve a sustainable society and enhance our corporate value.

Corporate Governance

We will further enhance our corporate governance as a global company with the aim of achieving continuous growth through global expansion and increasing corporate value over the short and long term.

ESG Data

Here are Linical's E (environmental), S (social), and G (governance) data.