

As a partner in drug development, Linical pursues the wellbeing of patients and society as a whole.

Since our founding, we have focused on therapeutic areas where unmet medical needs exist and innovative therapies are required.

Based on our management philosophy, each and every executive and employee conducts business activities as a professional, with sincerity, and pursues the wellbeing of patients and society as a whole.

Our purpose is to support the birth and growth of new therapies, including new drugs and technologies, with our significant expertise and know-how in drug development. As a partner to healthcare companies and medical institutions around the world, we contribute to a healthy and prosperous life for people everywhere.

To realize this, we will further enhance corporate governance as a global company, work together with stakeholders on material issues, and aim for contributing to a sustainable society.

Sustainability Governance

The company has established a Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Administrative Unit. The committee, which consists of the people responsible for and in charge of each division, formulates priority measures on key issues (materialities), rolls them out internally, monitors their progress, and promotes sustainability initiatives throughout the company. In addition, the committee also reports regularly to the Board of Directors and the Management Committee on the state of sustainability initiatives, etc.

Risk Management

The company has established a Risk Management Committee, which is chaired by the Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Administrative Unit to anticipate risks that may affect corporate activities, striving to prevent problems from occurring and dealing appropriately with any that do occur. By doing so, we evaluate the risks of business execution, such as disasters, fraud, and information leaks, and we consider and implement workarounds and countermeasures. In addition, under the direction of the representative director, each business unit and division evaluates business opportunity risks such as environmental changes and lost opportunities that impede sustainable business growth, and considers and implements countermeasures.

The Board of Directors, the Management Committee and the Sustainability Committee also share information with regard to consideration of the above risks, and the Sustainability Committee develops priority measures related to sustainability for the company as a whole, rolls them out internally, and monitors their progress, thereby strengthening risk management throughout the company.

We are committed to our goal of the healthy and prosperous lives of people around the world. To that end, we support the development of new therapies for patients, practice the highest standards of ethics and compliance, and act responsibly for future generations.

Learn more about Linical’s Sustainability Initiatives

Our Focus

Linical has identified sustainability issues most relevant to our business and stakeholders. By continuously addressing the material issues, we aim to achieve a sustainable society and enhance our corporate value.

Corporate Governance

We will further enhance our corporate governance as a global company with the aim of achieving continuous growth through global expansion and increasing corporate value over the short and long term.

ESG Data

Here are Linical's E (environmental), S (social), and G (governance) data.

Information Security Basic Policy

Linical deeply recognizes the importance of information security as a key player in pharmaceutical development and is committed to maintaining information security with the participation of all employees, including executives.