
Our Focus

By continuously addressing the material issues, we aim to achieve a sustainable society and enhance our corporate value.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

We are committed to our goal of promoting the healthy and prosperous lives of people around the world. To that end, we support the development of new therapies for patients, practice the highest standards of ethics and compliance, and act responsibly for future generations.

Our Material Issues

Innovative Drug Development

As a clinical development partner who utilizes cutting-edge technology and provides high level expertise, we will strive to support healthcare companies around the world in the development of innovative new drugs and therapies, and ensure their safety. In order to realize this, we will develop a diverse, professional workforce and establish a working environment where they can perform and flourish.

Ethics and Compliance

We will carry out business activities fairly and transparently, complying with the laws and regulations of every country, and with the highest level of ethical standards suitable for taking charge of drug development. In all aspects of drug development, we will carry out our duties sincerely based on patient-centered thinking, and contribute to healthcare by striving to ensure the safety and human rights of patients and the reliability of clinical trial data.

Responsibility to Future Generations

To contribute to the realization of a sustainable society that transcends generations, we will strive for the effective use of energy and other resources in our business activities. We will also take the appropriate responses to climate change.

Learn more about Linical’s Sustainability Initiatives

Our Focus

Linical has identified sustainability issues most relevant to our business and stakeholders. By continuously addressing the material issues, we aim to achieve a sustainable society and enhance our corporate value.

Corporate Governance

We will further enhance our corporate governance as a global company with the aim of achieving continuous growth through global expansion and increasing corporate value over the short and long term.

ESG Data

Here are Linical's E (environmental), S (social), and G (governance) data.